Property managed by a professional. Unless stated, services such as cleaning, bed linen, towels etc. are not included in the price of this rental. If pets are allowed (information in the advertisement), charges may be applicable.
Only equipment mentioned in this advertisement are present. Equipment not mentioned are not considered to be present. Unless there is an electric charging station in the accommodation, charging electric vehicles is prohibited.
Your host :
This is the passion that drives Frédéric and Sylvie, who have always been immersed in the world of tourism since leaving school. In 2002, they will buy an old farmhouse from the 18th century in ruins and will decide to learn the old techniques of restoration in order to give new life to the 8 buildings of this hamlet of La Bergerie. A challenge for these lovers of old stones who will play the card of ecological restoration for a better quality of life. Previously Sylvie had been a tourist guide for almost 30 years traveling the world and one day she decided to put her suitcases in a little corner of paradise in L'Orne between bocage and Suisse Normande where nature is still preserved, where human values still have a meaning, where we are surrounded by passionate and exciting people, producers who respect the cycles of nature and responsible agriculture whose products it is good to honor. Frédéric, meanwhile, was a Grand Touring driver for more than 10 years and was thus able to share his passion for traveling on European roads. In 2000, he swapped his coach for a more modest vehicle in order to continue transporting his customers, but by... taxi. Is it this new vocation of taxi-driver that gave him his passion for old English taxis!!! Sylvie is no doubt no stranger to the arrival of 3 taxi-cabs at La Bergerie, to the great pleasure of their guests, who they drive along the roads of Suisse Normande (by reservation). It is undoubtedly during a dinner at the table d'hôtes that you will be able to discuss with them the time of an evening on their passions: the garden, nature and heritage for Sylvie, cooking and English taxis for Frederick. Real moments of sharing!